Jubilee House

Location: OAU, Ile-Ife

Date: 2012

Status: Concept

Client: Obafemi Awolowo University

As part of a significant line-up of activities to mark its 50th Anniversary, this foremost tertiary learning institution required the development of a new and befitting central administrative block to replace the current facility which had become spatially inadequate.

The site is a partially irregularly shaped 1.3ha site located at the primary entrance, featuring a very pronounced terrain with a level difference of almost 9,000mm between the highest and lowest points. Although there is a very distinct growth of vegetation across the general area the site is comparatively sparsely covered.

Covering a total of c12,000sqm GFA, the landform enables the scheme spread across six levels, some stepped into the terrain, others elevated above, providing spaces for different functions including administrative, office, and a diversity of support functions. Surface parking for about 65-cars is stepped with the terrain, and planning care is taken to reduce the number of naturally occurring trees to be removed.

The distinctive and form-enhancing screens lining the facade served for shading and noise mitigation since the building was being located along the primary traffic corridor.